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11 Interesting Facts About Technology

There are many interesting facts about technology that you might not know. Here are some of them:

  • The Firefox logo is not a fox, but a red panda. The browser was named after the red panda, which is also called a firefox in some languages¹.
  • The first Apple logo featured Sir Isaac Newton sitting under a tree, with an apple about to fall on his head. The logo was designed in 1976 and had a quote from William Wordsworth around the border¹.
  • Google rents out goats to eat the grass at their Mountain View headquarters. The company hires a herder who brings 200 goats and a border collie named Jen to mow the lawn in an eco-friendly way¹.
  • The word “robot” comes from the Czech word “robota”, which means forced labor or work. The word was first used to describe a fictional humanoid in a play by Karel Capek in 1920².
  • The world’s most powerful supercomputer is called Fugaku and is located in Japan. It can perform 442,000 trillion calculations per second, which is 43,000 times faster than a Playstation 5².
  • The first computer mouse was made by Bill English, a colleague of Douglas Engelbart, who invented the concept of a mouse. The prototype was built in 1964 and used two wheels to track motion and a single button for clicking².
  • There are 3.8 billion internet users every day, which is almost half of the world’s population. On average, each person has 2 to 8 networked gadgets, such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc³.
  • The desktop internet usage is falling while the mobile internet is rising. In 2020, mobile devices accounted for 50.81% of the global web traffic, while desktops had 46.9% and tablets had 2.28%³.
  • The invention of the internet is credited to computer scientists Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn, who developed the TCP/IP protocol that allows data to be transmitted across networks. They are also known as the fathers of the internet³.
  • The tech industry makes up 35% of the total world market and is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the world. There are more than 585,000 tech companies in the United States alone⁴.
  • 90% of the world’s data was generated between 2019 and the present. Every day, we create about 2.5 quintillion bytes of data, which is equivalent to 250,000 Libraries of Congress⁴.

(1) 100 Surprising Technology Facts That You Didn’t Know.
(2) 40 Interesting, Fun and Mind Blowing Facts About Technology.
(3) 70 Amazing Technology Facts That Shape Our World –
(4) Top 25 Information Technology Statistics & Facts for 2023 | CompTIA.

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