Essay Writing
The Tiger
The tiger is one of the most majestic and powerful animals in the world. It is a wild carnivorous mammal known for its strength, agility, and striking appearance. Tigers belong to the cat family and are the largest species of wild cats. They have beautiful orange fur with black stripes, making them unique among animals.
The Royal Bengal Tiger
The Royal Bengal Tiger is the national animal of Bangladesh. It is found in the Sundarbans, the largest mangrove forest in the world. This tiger is known for its fierce nature and strong hunting skills. Unfortunately, due to deforestation and poaching, the population of Royal Bengal Tigers is decreasing, making them an endangered species.
Characteristics of Tigers
Tigers are solitary animals that prefer to live alone. They have sharp teeth and strong claws that help them catch and kill their prey. Tigers are excellent swimmers and can easily cross rivers and lakes. They primarily hunt deer, wild boars, and other animals for food. A tiger’s roar can be heard from miles away, which helps them communicate with other tigers.
Importance of Tigers in Nature
Tigers play a vital role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. As top predators, they help control the population of herbivores, preventing overgrazing in forests. The presence of tigers in a forest is a sign of a healthy and balanced environment. Protecting tigers means protecting forests and biodiversity.
Conservation of Tigers
Tigers are facing serious threats due to habitat loss, illegal hunting, and climate change. Governments and wildlife organizations have taken steps to protect tigers by establishing national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. Strict laws against poaching and awareness campaigns are also helping in tiger conservation.
The tiger is a symbol of strength, courage, and beauty. As the national animal of Bangladesh, it holds a special place in the country’s culture and heritage. It is our responsibility to protect tigers and ensure their survival for future generations. By conserving tigers, we are also saving nature and maintaining ecological balance.
Write an Essay on “The Tiger” . Version 2
The tiger has a majestic appearance and manners. It looks like a cat. So it is called the niece of the cat.
There are various kinds of tigers. The Chita, Leopard, the Wolf and the Royal Bengal Tiger belong to the family of tigers. Of them the Royal Bengal Tiger of the Sundarbans is the largest. The Royal Bengal Tiger is our national animal…
ছাত্র-ছাত্রী বন্ধুদের জন্য আমাদের এই ওয়েব সাইটটি। শিক্ষার্থীদের নিকট সহজে ও বিনামূল্যে মানসম্মত পাঠ্য বিষয়াবলী পৌছে দেওয়াই আমাদের প্রধান উদ্দেশ্য। শিক্ষার্থীরা যেন খুবই সহজে পাঠ্য বিষয়কে তার মোবাইল বা কম্পিউটারে সেভ করে রাখতে পারে ও পরবর্তীতে আবার পড়ার জন্য সংরক্ষন করতে পারে সে লক্ষে আজকের পাঠ্য “The Tiger” কে একটি সাধারন ছবি হিসাবে প্রকাশ করা হল। Essay টি পড়তে ও সেভ করে রাখতে Read More বাটনে ক্লিক কর। Essay টি তে যে বিষয় গুলো শিক্ষার্থীদের নিকট দুর্বোধ্য মনে হতে পারে তার বাংলা অনুবাদ নিচে আলোচনা করা হলঃ
- Majestic: সৌম্য
- Appearance: চেহারা
- Manner: পদ্ধতি
- Niece: ভাইজি
- Claws: থাবা
- paw: থাবা
- Tropical: ক্রান্তিয়
- Ferocious: হিংস্র
- Cruel: নিষ্ঠুর
- prey: শিকার