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Chandrayaan-3 : Paragraph

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Here is a paragraph that I wrote for class 8 students of India about Chandrayaan-3:

Chandrayaan-3 is a very important and exciting mission of India to explore the Moon. It was launched by ISRO, which is India’s space agency, on 14 July 2023. It has two parts: a lander called Vikram and a rover called Pragyan. They landed on the Moon on 23 August 2023, near the south pole, which is a very cold and dark place. They are the first ones to land there and study it. They are looking for water and minerals on the Moon, and also learning more about its surface, inside and air. They are sending back pictures and data to Earth using the Chandrayaan-2 orbiter, which is still circling the Moon. Chandrayaan-3 is a great achievement for India and the world, as it shows our scientific and technological skills and our curiosity to learn more about our universe.

Here is a paragraph that I wrote for class 10 students of Bharat/India about Chandrayaan-3:

Chandrayaan-3 is a remarkable and ambitious mission of Bharat to explore the Moon. It was launched by ISRO, which is Bharat’s premier space organisation, on 14 July 2023. It comprises of a lander named Vikram and a rover named Pragyan. They successfully touched down on the lunar surface on 23 August 2023, near the south pole, which is a region of extreme cold and darkness. They are the pioneers to land there and investigate it. They are searching for water and minerals on the Moon, and also studying its geology, seismology and atmosphere. They are transmitting images and data to Earth using the Chandrayaan-2 orbiter, which is still orbiting the Moon. Chandrayaan-3 is a splendid achievement for Bharat and the world, as it demonstrates our scientific and technological prowess and our quest to discover more about our cosmos.

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